We’re looking for Service in a very special space in our Parish, right next to the Altar of the Lord.  We’re looking for Altar Servers, boys and girls, young men and women who would share their time and talent at a weekend Mass of your choice.

We all want to participate at home in family life and the Church is not much different than home.  We encourage our families to participate in all good things in life (school, sports, music and art) and good things include participation in worship.

The time commitment for a Server is short.  We would have a few practice sessions for training and answering your questions and then we serve at the weekend Mass.  Our schedule is based on the Mass that you normally attend with your family.

We wear simple vestments on Sunday, an alb (white robe) and cincture (belt) is worn over your clothes, we add training and a positive attitude and that’s all we need.  There are other servers scheduled for each Mass and always there is a Priest or Deacon to turn to during the Mass.

We look forward to seeing your family at the Parish events and during the Mass.

May the Lord Bless you and your family.

If you have any questions or would like to join us, please contact:

Adam Erdosy

Joe O’Connell


Mission: We promote and provide for worship through our actions during the Mass. Altar Servers prepare and train for the Mass by being familiar with different rites that may be celebrated during Mass (e.g. Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage)

Altar Servers provide service to the Priests during Mass in order to assist in preparing the Altar of the Word and the Altar of the Eucharist. Our Altar servers guide the congregation by their actions through the Mass. We provide training sessions periodically and Mass scheduling is done to work with family activity and schedules.