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Dina Gentile Marge DiGiacomo Becky Moscia

Our Mission: We build our Church community by welcoming and inviting parishioners to join us and share their time and talents with our parish community. We foster family traditions, ethnic & cultural activities, and lively social affairs.

The Ladies of Our Lady of the Assumption (LOLA) is the social and fundraising organization for the women of the parish.  With a welcoming spirit, we function in the role of physical and social nurturers for ourselves and our beloved parish community. We host a social occasion approximately once a month – either an event or a food gathering.

Some of the most popular and well-known events sponsored by LOLA include the Assumption Triduum, Designer Handbag Bingo, the Christmas Bazaar, Bingo Bonanza, Spring Tea, the Palm Sunday Bake Sale, and Nite at the Races.  We also host the annual Girls Night Out dinner in the month of June.

We come together at 7:00 PM on the second Monday evening of every month from September through May, at the Italian American Club in Wayne.  If you would like to participate or become involved with LOLA, please feel welcome to join us.  We would love to see you!

To view the 2024-2025 LOLA Event Calendar, please click here.

Be sure to read our latest newsletter!


LOLA Request

Do you have any unused/unwanted gift cards? LOLA would appreciate all card donations, to be used for future fundraising events. Please place the donated cards in an envelope labeled LOLA, and place in the collection basket, or drop off at the Parish Office.