Casseroles for the Homeless
Vince Caprio
Mission: To provide meals for those in need in the wider community.
Casseroles for the Homeless is an opportunity for the OLA Parish community to prepare a full meal for eight people. The meal should include protein, vegetables and a starch, with heating instructions, and should be frozen. The pans are provided in the Giving Room on top of the freezer where the casseroles are placed when prepared. If you need a recipe idea, there are several in an envelope on the freezer. If you are looking for a way to participate on your own schedule, consider making a casserole.
As the freezer fills up, the casseroles are dropped off at My Brother’s House in Philadelphia. If you would like to assist with the delivery, we always welcome assistance with this task. Please call us to discuss.
Each year, the number of casseroles prepared grows. Thank you for your generous support.