OLA History Committee
Celia Paolantonio
Christine Gaeto
- To be the repository of all data and artifacts of historical significance to the parish (i.e., memorabilia, reminiscences, oral histories, documents, artifacts).
- To continue to gather and preserve these items.
- To record and document parish events of historical significance.
- To give periodic presentations, exhibits or publications pertaining to events of historical significance to the parish or of spiritual or educational interest to the parish.
- To work toward establishing a permanent home for our archive collection.
The History Committee was formed in 2006 prior to the Parish Jubilee Year with the purpose of researching and writing a book chronicling the parish’s 100-year history. The History Committee continues to solicit and welcomes donations of personal artifacts, especially old family photographs. We already possess a sizable collection of photographs and are looking to add to this collection for a future exhibit and a possible keepsake book. We look forward to your contributions. Nothing is too trivial!