OLA Liturgy Board

Rev. Gerald P. Carey

Deacon Paul Fisher

Mission:  Plans/coordinates the principal Catholic Parish mission – the Worship of God.  The celebration of worship includes Mass, devotions and prayer services in conjunction with the Roman Catholic Church calendar.

Plans for worship include coordinating the faithful:

  • to proclaim the Scripture (Lectors);
  • to assist in distribution of communion (Extraordinary Ministers) at Mass and to the homebound;
  • to lead and enhance worship through music (Cantors and Choir);
  • to assist the priests in service at the Altar (Servers);
  • to greet and assist those attending our celebrations, and to gather and present the offerings from our community (Ushers);
  • to maintain our Worship area (environment) with God’s own gifts, elements of Nature in season and expressions of Artwork, to encourage our focus towards the Giver of all gifts.

Liturgy Board Members

Jen Schauble

Vince Caprio

Margarite Palantonio

Chris Renzi

Anne Sprissler

Please click this link to access the on-line version of the Ordo: American Ordo