Memorial Flowers
Our Lady of the Assumption Church has established a Memorial Flowers program, through which your memorial and personal intentions can be visibly observed at Mass. This is a wonderful way to remember a loved one, offer thanksgiving for a special grace, create a gorgeous environment for your wedding, or simply to help beautify our sanctuary.
With the exception of the periods of Lent and Advent, memorial flowers may be requested for any of the Sundays and Holy Days of obligation throughout the year. You and your intentions will be acknowledged in the parish bulletin for that week. Additionally, your memorial offering will be included in your annual OLA contribution statement totals.
Once your request has been completed, Chris Renzi of the OLA Arts & Liturgical Environment committee will contact you to confirm the details. Chris will personally order your floral arrangements through OLA’s regular florist. (The colors and content of your memorial flowers will be coordinated in conformity with the liturgical directives for the requested dates, as well as seasonal availability.)
Your memorial flowers will be delivered to the church in time for the Vigil Mass for that Sunday or Holy Day. They will be displayed for all the Masses that day (including the Vigil Mass). When conditions and liturgical requirements allow, they will also remain on display in the sanctuary throughout the upcoming week.
The following information is collected with your memorial flowers request:
1. Requested date of memorial
2. Name of person(s) / intentions being memorialized
3. Name and contact information of the requestor
4. Quantity and location of floral arrangements
5. Donation by cash or check (Please note: Credit cards are NOT accepted for flower offerings)
To request memorial flowers for your intentions, please click here to access the form. Complete the information on the form, and submit to the Parish Office with your donation, at least 30 days prior to your requested memorial date.
Should you have any questions or concerns, Chris Renzi will be happy to work with you directly to assist with your memorial request.
Thank you in advance for your generosity! God bless you!