OLA News and Events


Question Of The Week

Looking at my Lenten journey as an exodus from

sin and worldly values, what specifically is holding

me captive and preventing a truly new life in the

risen Lord?


Eucharistic Adoration & Confessions

Tuesday, 7 PM – 8 PM, in the Church.



Lenten Soup Sales

LOLA will be taking orders for and selling Italian Wedding Soup for Lent.

You can complete an order form HERE, or purchase a quart on the

weekend of 3/15 & 16. Each quart is $15. All proceeds benefit OLA.






To view the complete Malvern Retreat House Calendar

of Retreats and Events, click HERE.

For more information or to register, call: 610-644-0400.


Metropolitan Tribunal

The Tribunal is available to help people who have

experienced divorce & who may wish to remarry in

the Catholic Church. If you are divorced & want to

marry in the Church, or are remarried outside the

Catholic Church, please call the Tribunal Office

at 215-587-03750 or go to: www.archphila.org.

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