V.  Selection of Sacred Music:

The Church directs that music must accompany the celebration

of all funeral liturgies.  According to the music norms of the

Catholic Church, only sacred music is permitted to be sung and

these selections are approved by our Director of Music Ministry

and the Pastor.  Because of the sacred rites of the Funeral Mass,

no secular/recorded music may be played/sung during a

Funeral Mass.  Every effort must be made to accompany the

Funeral rites with appropriate hymns, responses and

acclamations.  A trained organist and cantor will be assigned to

each funeral by the OLA Parish Staff.  Guest vocalists are

welcome to sing one hymn (such as the Ave Maria).  The Cantor

leads the faithful in song throughout the Funeral Mass.

Below are the suggested hymns for a Funeral Mass,

for your consideration.  Click on each title to see the

list of hymns to listen to.

A.  Opening Hymn

B.  Responsorial Psalm

C.  Offertory Hymn (Preparation of the Gifts)

D.  Communion Hymn

E.  Meditation Hymn

F.  Final Commendation

          G.  Sending Forth Hymn