OLA Outreach Ministry
Vince Caprio
Diane Norcini
Mission: We, the family of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, in our Outreach Ministry are committed to loving service to our brothers and sisters in need. In community we strive to become living examples of Jesus Christ through many working hands.
The Outreach Program services those in need by the generous donations of time, talent and treasure of our OLA parishioners. We strive to be aware of the continuing changing needs of our parish.
There is the collection and distribution of non-perishable items from the food pantry, bread donations from Panera’s, and clothing donations throughout the year. The items are distributed to individuals in the area, and to the Patrician Society, the Missionary Sisters of Charity and Piarist missions on the East Coast of the United States.
Outreach provides for the collation of gifts, cards, and booklets to be given to our homebound and those in skilled nursing care through visitations by the Extraordinary Ministers, the Legion of Mary, and the IHM Sisters (when asked).
We assist other non-profit organizations when called upon, e.g., TECares.
Needs Your Help!
Outreach is helping those in need in the OLA Giving Room.
Outreach Help During the Cold Winter Months
Are you concerned for someone’s health & safety during these cold winter days? The OLA Out-reach Team is offering to check in on people and help as they can with these seniors & families. Please contact either Vince Caprio at 610-644-3482 or the Parish Office (610-688-1178) to provide the name, address and phone number of the members of our community who may be in need of assistance.
If you find yourself in need, you can reach a member of the Outreach Team by calling the Parish Office at 610-688-1178, email: parishoffice@olastrafford.org, or calling Vince Caprio at 610-644-3482.
Items collected by Outreach:
– Dry & canned food/pantry items (OLA food pantry is extremely low),
– Frozen casseroles (pans & recipes in the Giving Room),
– Gently used shirts, pants/jeans (sizes 30 – 34) & sweatshirts for homeless men at:
..Brother’s House in Norristown, PA.,
– Diapers (all sizes)all sizes), wipes, baby food, bottles,
and formula,
– Cleaning supplies.
We do not accept:
– Electronics of any kind
– Luggage
– Women’s clothing
– Bedding
– Used baby furniture, strollers, car seats or toys
To discuss large donations for pick-up, contact Vince Caprio at 610-644-3482.
Thank you for your generous support of our work!
Casseroles for the Homeless
The OLA Outreach Team thanks the Parish for your
generous weekly outpouring of support by preparing
casseroles for those in need. We are blessed to have
a freezer full of casseroles to distribute to parish &
local families in need. If you would like to prepare a
casserole, pans and potential recipes are available
in the Giving Room. We do ask that each casserole be
labeled with a marker on the lid describing the main
ingredients; such as Tuna Casserole or Chicken and
Rice, as well as basic heating instructions. This is
very helpful to those who suffer from food allergies.
Thank you!
The Brother’s House
Assisting homeless men in Norristown, is in desperate need of
clean, new socks & boxer shorts (XL & XXL & XXXL).Please drop off in the OLA Giving Room.
Always in need of formula, baby food, bottles, diapers & wipes
for its smallest clients.
Please drop off in the Parish Giving Room.
OLA Poor Boxes
Outreach is an integral part of the Catholic community and our Mission. The money collected from our Poor Boxes, which are located in the Candle Room and in the Vestibule, is used for our Outreach Ministry.
Thank you for your support!
OLA Knitters Needed
Please knit/crochet a hat/scarf/baby blanket for the NICU at Bryn Mawr Hospital.
The drop off bin is in the Giving Room.
Thank you for your support!