Assumption Academy – Pre-School & Kindergarten


Mission:  With the love of Jesus Christ to guide us and under the protection of the mantle of  Mary, our Mother, the staff and parents of Our Lady of the Assumption School endeavor to foster the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and social development of each child entrusted to our care.  We share in the mission of the parish by providing religious formation and instruction in the Catholic faith, while welcoming everyone, respecting the faith traditions of all our students.

Assumption Academy is a Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten School. The core curriculum, both teacher-directed and self-directed, includes activities in the areas of religion, art, music and movement, role playing, fine and gross motor skills, number concepts, language experience, story times, cooking and science. Students are also offered training in religion, library, foreign language and gym. Classes are taught in accordance with the PA State Common Core Standards and the Archdiocesan guidelines.  Our Lady of the Assumption Preschool and Kindergarten is Middle States Accredited.

Patricia Welsh, Principal

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