Parish Religious Education Program



It is hard to believe that we are mid-way through January! This is to remind our PREP families that there is no class on Sun., Jan. 19th for the Confirmation and Special Group and no class on Mon., Jan. 20th for the usual weekly sessions for Levels 1 to 6! Enjoy the time that this holiday gives us to honor and remember the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

There will be no PREP classes on Sunday, January 19th or Monday, January 20th to commemorate
the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. which is a national holiday!

The PREP Outreach for January & February will be a “Souper Bowl” collection of canned or
boxed soups. These donations will be brought to the Parish Giving Room and distributed as needed.
“Caring and Sharing” are the hallmarks of a Catholic tradition. Parents, please use this
opportunity as a teachable moment.

Our next session for the Family Catechesis Group will be on Sunday, Feb. 2 at 9:45 AM. The topic will be “Prayer”.

Click HERE to access the 2024-2025 PREP Registration Form.

For questions or further information,

please contact Sister Rita Marian Angelilli, IHM at:

610 688-6590, or: