Parish Religious Education Program



First Penance will be on Thursday, March 27 at 7 PM in Church. Family members are welcome to come and also receive the Sacrament of Penance that evening! Students should wear casual-nice clothes for this event!

Our First Holy Communion Class & 1 parent will attend their Retreat on Sunday, April 6 at Blessed Raphaela Retreat Center in Haverford, PA. Please arrive by 12:45 PM. Departure will be by 4:45 PM!  More information will come home with students!

There will be no Monday PREP class on Mar. 31st. as many local schools will be on Spring Break!

We are collecting coins (paper money too!) for our Outreach for the IHM Literacy Center for Adults.

For questions or further information,

please contact Sister Rita Marian Angelilli, IHM at:

610 688-1178, or:


New Registrations and Re-Registrations for the 2025-2026 PREP Program will begin on April 7th.  The 2025 – 2026 Registration Form is available through the link below.  We ask that completed forms and tuition be returned by May 30th.  Please call Sr. Rita Marian, IHM at the Parish Office with any questions or concerns.