Parish Religious Education Program



On Sunday, Feb. 23 we will have a final practice for the Confirmation Class in Church from
11:15 AM until 1 PM. All students from this class are expected to report directly to the Sacred Heart Chapel. Please continue to keep these students in your prayer.

Our Outreach for the “Souper Bowl” collection of soup will end at the end of February! Thank you to all who have participated in this effort!

Our Confirmation Ceremony will be on Sunday, March 2 at the 10 AM Mass. There will be reserved seating for the class, sponsors and families of the students. There are only 14 additional available pews for parishioners who wish to attend this Mass!

Our final session for the Family Catechesis Program will be on Sunday, March 9th at 9:45 AM in Assumption Hall.

For questions or further information,

please contact Sister Rita Marian Angelilli, IHM at:

610 688-6590, or: