OLA Stewardship

YTD Weekend of: 03/16/2025 03/17/2024
Collection:   $ 232,333   $ 227,791
Electronic Giving:   $ 101,397    $   90,102
Total:   $ 333,730     $ 317,893

We thank you for your generosity!



FOR CONSIDERATION BY OUR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE ELIGIBLE TO TAKE THEIR ANNUAL REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTRIBUTION: Contributions to qualified charities (including OLA) can be made directly from an IRA for up to $100,000 each year, with that money being tax-exempt and counting toward the annual RMD amount. This is known as a qualified charitable distribution and allows the contributor to avoid paying income taxes on this portion of the distribution.

To learn more, please call the OLA Parish Office, at 610-688-1178.